Title: Waking up Mom Fandom: Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Character(s): Tifa, Denzel, Marlene, Cloud Pairing: CloudxTifa Rating: G Word Count: 429 Note(s): Another Mother's Day drabble.
title; A Delivery Story ( 1/?? ) fandom; Final Fantasy VII Advent Children character(s); Chocobo Billy, Chocobo Bill, Chole, Cloud, and Tifa pairing; Cloud x Tifa rating; G note; post-AC
title; After the End Comes a Beginning fandom; Final Fantasy VII Advent Children character(s); Cloud, Tifa, Denzel, Marlene pairing; Cloud x Tifa rating; G note; post-AC
other; Comments would be nice, and I'm pretty sure there are grammar and spelling mistakes abound in this. xD
Title: I want to line up the pieces... Series: Kingdom Hearts II Characters: Tifa, Cloud (CloudxTifa) Rating: G Note: Set in Hallow Bastion when they were children and before the darkness took it over. Then it flips to the present time of KH2.